Colorful Headshots | San Diego Branding Photographer, Carlsbad Branding Photographer

Wildflower Studio Photography,, Photo Shoot, Northern California, Southern California, branding session, personal headshots, blue door, smiles, branding images
Wildflower Studio Photography,, Photo Shoot, Northern California, Southern California, branding session, personal headshots, blue door, smiles, branding images
Wildflower Studio Photography,, Photo Shoot, Northern California, Southern California, branding session, personal headshots, blue door, smiles, branding images, behind the scenes

Here’s a fun behind the scenes from a headshot session this past weekend for a local actress! Sometimes I choose backdrops spontaneously & I love when my clients just trust me & go with it! Laura met me at a beautiful field to do her session, but when I saw this colorful door at the church next to it, I just knew her amazing eyes & hair would pop. Upon seeing the door you would never guess it would be a very good backdrop, so I appreciate her for trusting me! You look gorgeous Laura! 😍
Click through to see behind the scenes!
(can spy my son in the mirror?)
More of the ones field to come soon!

xoxo Shell

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