fun with 4 very adorable sisters

I shared these on Facebook awhile back, but haven’t had a chance to share the entire session on here or on FB yet.

I figured I would share some of the mid-summer sweetness here with you tonight.

These girls were just too cute and funny!

I promise to post more of this session when I get a chance!

I have been shooting and editing like crazy!

Not enough time in the day to blog it all.


In other news…

We are in the midst of many projects here at home and lots of family visits.

We just finished our backyard patio and have been roasting marshmallows like crazy in the fire pit.

Lots of cuddling around the fire and lounging in the hammock with the kids in the evenings.

Such a great way to spend the end of the summer.

We were lucky to have my sister move from SanFrancisco to NYC,

its so nice to have her just a few hours away!

She stayed with us for a weekend, followed by Bry’s mom, and now

tomorrow my Grandma is flying in for 2 weeks!

We are in the midst of finishing our basement so we are excited to have some extra space

-especially for when the cold and brutal winter hits.

What else?

School has begun and we are in transition mode,

getting used to homework and schedules again.

Soccer has also started, so life is quite busy these days!

Yesterday was the first day I felt the fall season approaching.

There was a chill in the air and golden sunshine all around.

I am giddy with excitement and soaking it all in!

I  L O V E  Fall!

How about you? What have you been up to?

Thanks so much for visiting!

{I encourage you to visit and like me on FB where I post daily! }

xo Shell


  • DagmarSeptember 19, 2012 - 2:13 pm

    Hidy How my friend. Wow it’s been such a long time. I was away from blog a bit, try to pick it up again. Seeing your work…..gosh do you remember when we started blog? Do you remember you were not sure wich name you would choose for your studio???? And look were you are now. Doing so well, becoming such a talented photographer!!! Chapo on you my far away friend.
    Stay well and keep doing what your heart tells you to do.
    Give the guys a hug from me and a special one to yourself.
    HUGS DagmarReplyCancel

  • Liz {Learning to Juggle}September 19, 2012 - 9:17 pm

    What adorable girls – those pictures are magnificent!!

    I am so excited about fall – we have soccer with the oldest and both boys in piano and gymnastics, next month the oldest will start hockey (as soccer is ending). Its a little hectic, but I love all the activities!!ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer (Savor)September 19, 2012 - 9:21 pm

    Your photos make me so happy and remind me of how beautiful it is to be a Mom.ReplyCancel

  • Tera NorbergSeptember 19, 2012 - 9:49 pm

    GORGEOUS pictures. You are so talented. Congrats on finishing your patio! Enjoy those cool Fall evenings by your fire pit!!ReplyCancel

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