My article and business was featured! ~Being braver and stepping out from behind the lens in 2014… Rhode Island Photographer, Ventura County Photographer

Hi Friends!

If you get a chance, please come read my article that was featured on Shutter Showcase.

Its mainly geared to photographers, but it may be useful for others as well!

Thanks for reading!


~Breaking out of my online shell~

 {Excerpt only, Full article featured on the Shutter Showcase blog}

It’s a new year, which means a clean slate, a fresh start and a time to take stock in how you want to grow!

This year I want to be braver than before, to break out of my “online Shell”.

My “offline Shell” is quite outgoing, but my online Shell is typically quite shy.

(BTW My name is Shell, get it? ;)

Are you ever online, reading other photographer’s writing and see their pictures that actually include themselves, and think- “Wow, they just put it all out there! They are not just hiding behind the camera; they are in front of it!” As a person who feels quite shy online, I feel inspired and in awe of those people. When they put them selves out there we, as the audience, are able to see the artist behind the work, and we get a deeper understanding of them. You know what else? So do their clients, and it’s an awesome thing for their business.  Its important because in this highly saturated photo industry, the only way to set yourself apart from the rest, is to show you, the artist behind the pretty pictures. By putting yourself out there you become a “real” person to your audience.  I am assuming that by being more than 1 dimensional, amazing things will happen: 1) you will attract like-minded people 2) you will most likely attract your target market and 3) your clients will feel like they already know you and will feel more comfortable and relaxed behind your lens.

Up until recently, I have let my photos and imagery do all the talking for me, and I remained in my cozy comfort zone, just posting pictures of sessions with short and sweet blurbs. I would post these client images on my Facebook page or blog which would automatically post to my twitter account, which, aside from that- never really got used.

So what am I doing in 2014 differently?

What are my BRAVE steps to becoming more present, authentic and Involved with my audience?

Read my list here and the full article HERE: 


Hope you enjoy the article!

I’d love to hear what you think and if you have any more tips to add!

What are your goals for 2014?

Are you stepping out of your comfort zone?

xoxo Shell


  • Melissa HillasFebruary 26, 2014 - 11:40 am

    Fabulous article – great job! :-)ReplyCancel

  • Heather @ Housewife HeatherFebruary 26, 2014 - 9:03 pm

    I love looking at your beautiful photos & now to see you in them, working, it brings a new beautiful angle to your work! Good luck with stepping out of your comfort zone!! Seems like a very attainable goal that you are ready to reach!!ReplyCancel

  • Kristin Wheeler (@MamaLuvsBooks)February 26, 2014 - 9:51 pm

    Love your goals! So great to engage more!!! Love your photos too of course!ReplyCancel

  • Nzingha Stewart gets my vote! Worked under her last year when she directed, “Michael Jackson: Our Icon.” Before that, had been following her music video career for years. Her insight and creativity are unmatched.ReplyCancel

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