Authentically Photographing Tweens and Teens & Our Skate & Photo Date~ California Tween Photographer, Carlsbad Photographer, San Diego Photographer,

2015-09-30_0001 72

A couple of weekends ago I took the opportunity to capture my oldest son.

Kids just grow so fast, and I feel so blessed to have a job where I can help others capture all the ages and stages of their kids and family milestones, and unique personalities, and what makes you you.

Through out my photographic journey, I have done that with my own kids as well.

I began my professional career as a photographer when my kids were babies, and I have grown as they have grown. I am still growing as a photographer, as they are growing, and each age they reach I am appreciating and understanding the intricacies of each age and stage even more.

Something really cool is happening between me and my kids and our sessions together.

As my kids are getting older, they are beginning to appreciate the way I work- with them, and with my other clients. They are beginning to realize that my real goal is to document who they are, and appreciate who they are, to celebrate who they really are- in fun and awesome looking artworks (rather than pose them into something they’re not).

The last few sessions I have done with both kids, they were actually genuinely excited to shoot with me. Did I mention I have 2 active boys? I am taking this as a major compliment!

I think its because of a few reasons:

They feel special.

They feel seen.

They feel understood.

They feel celebrated.

There is something special that a photo session (like this) does, especially in the tween years, for kids. Tweens and teens need to feel seen and heard more in this way than smaller children do. This is when they are trying to find their identity more than ever.

I think this session did just that. The session and photos are about him.

He felt special because I found this mural (that actually had images of all things he loves in it: waves, books, skateboarding, surfing, music- and it was really cool looking) and saved the mural as a location just for him and his skateboard. I didn’t shoot anyone else there. I saved it for him.

I felt like I captured his true self on film. His true nature, his spirit.

As we drove away, and headed home, he told me he had so much fun, with a big smile, and thanked me.

Mission Accomplished!

Thanks for being on my journey with me. I know some of you have been here from the beginning.

I thank you for being here.

XO Shell

  • D. DransartOctober 5, 2015 - 7:57 pm

    thx mom i love it also i like how u made the collage it looks awesomeReplyCancel

    • ShellOctober 15, 2015 - 7:57 am

      Awwwww! I love you buddy! I love that you came here and left a comment! how fun! :)ReplyCancel

  • Joyce SchwabOctober 8, 2015 - 1:04 am

    wow, he has grown so much since you first started….and so have you. I so wish that this “type” of photography was more common when my boys were young, we had the yearly photo shoots at Walmart, but those don’t come anywhere near capturing the spirit of the person as these kinds of shoots do, and you are wonderful at it.ReplyCancel

  • Jill Vander ZwaagNovember 29, 2015 - 3:06 pm

    So cool! Great capture of personality and fun! And so nice you can have these moments with your children!ReplyCancel

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