Hi Friends!
I just found this post in my draft folder of this blog! I forgot to share it with you!
If you are following along on my new journey into creating films, this was my second film, created in February.
(I am trying to make one a month. My first one can be seen on my Vimeo page or HERE. ).
This time, my goal was to tell a little story capturing the whimsey, and carefree sweetness of being 6 yrs old, timed to music.
Its a humble beginning, but fun learning a new creative medium.
Thanks for watching :)
February: Capturing 6 By Shell Dransart/Wildflower Studio Photo from Michelle Dransart on Vimeo.
I always take time off in the months of January and February for self growth and creativity. I think it not only serves me well to take breaks from work, but also it makes my work better and richer, and in turn, it serves my clients well too. I strive to be the best version of me I can be- creatively, professionally, and personally.
I have been keeping up on my goal of creating one film a month and experimenting. I even shot a film during a photoshoot last month. It was great to incorporate that media into a photo session!
I LOVE to challenge myself and learn new things, and in as many ways as I can.
I have another one I made last month that I love of my youngest son. I will share that next.
Thank you for being a part of my creative journey. Please let me know if I can help you with yours!
xo Shell