This means- if you are not happy with any part of your life, do not fret- nothing is permanent AND you have the power to change it. You can take a circumstance in your life, look at the thoughts you believe about it, and DECIDE to take a different course of action to create a new result! Isn’t that amazing & freeing?When I was in high school I barely graduated. I remember in my teen years feeling stuck, trapped. I would fantasize about a time where I could control how my own house/ environment would feel. My family went through a pretty dark time. I cried almost everyday. I had been ditching classes to escape life. Almost flunking out of HS left me with even lower self esteem. After barely getting my HS diploma, I felt trapped in my town & home & definitely didn’t think I was smart enough or disciplined to handle college. Changing your circumstance/ result often means getting out of your comfort zone & doing things that may not make sense to others. I worked, saved up all of my $ & sold everything I had & moved to HI & traveled around the world. (No, I didn’t grow up in a rich family to help me, quite the opposite). After gaining that freedom I so needed & finding my true self outside of my family & hometown, I decided I had more potential. The people around me didn’t seem to be going anywhere in life. I decided to change my circumstance again. After selling my car & more, I had one last big trip, this time around Europe w/ a backpack.
I enrolled in community college. I had a lot of drama & self worth stuff in my head if I belonged in college since I barely graduated HS, but I got into UC Santa Barbara. Guess what- I got straight As, was in the newspaper for being on the Deans Honor list multiple times, & got my degree. I’ve used the power of changing my thoughts to change my circumstance/ results many times big & small.Wanting to be a creative for a living, but not feeling like I was good enough, & doing it anyway, leaving a job to start my own art & photography businesses, to having a happy marriage, etc.
It’s my mission to help women achieve the results they want. It’s my passion to see them get results!
DM me to try a free discovery session! Let’s work together now to ensure 2021 is amazing. You deserve a life you love. Cheering you on always, xo Shell