Some days I feel like I have this juggling act all figured out.
But most days, I struggle, just barely keeping my balance.
trying not to drop any balls
Somedays I feel like I have way too many balls to juggle:
Ball #1) My kids
(but really, there are like 10 balls under just caring for my kids):
My son's homework, My son's sports, playdates,
school events, meals, baths, etc.
Ball #2) My husband and nurturing our relationship
Ball #3) Business owner:
client care, creativity, organization, shooting, editing photos,
delivering photos, social media (blog, fb, etc.)
Ball #4) Home care- laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, organizing and cleaning
Ball #5) Me- self care~ sadly, this one is the first to go
The ball that gets dropped first- almost daily,
isn't even incorporated in to the juggling act,
is self care.
I feel overwhelmed at times and feel like I can never have a day where I can get it all right.
Recently, I have been giving myself permission to not get it all right-
to have days where I get pieces of each category accomplished.
Being a mom is a juggling act in itself, and being a business owner is a juggling act in itself
but combining the 2 and putting housework on top is just insanity sometimes.
This past week I have felt somewhat defeated.
Possibly because I realize that I was barely pulling off that juggling act as it was,
and now summer is almost here-
the kids are finishing up with school
and I am out of those few precious child-free hours
where I had just a bit of time to get a few tasks done.
Back in California where all of our family lives, I could ask for help if I really needed it.
I would know I had help from my parents to help take the kids when I need a break or a breather-
or even just a quick walk to clear my head.
But now that we have moved away from family, I realize more than ever,
I don't have the resources for that quick breather,
where I can just clear my head, feel a little organized.
Unfortunately, like a lot of couples,
my husband and I are now trading time to get what needs to be done- done.
but then that separates us.
right now I am missing just us (my husband and I) hanging out, going on walks alone.
I am realizing now that we have moved away from precious family,
that I need to find resources.
I have always had a hard time asking for help,
even from family and close friends.
I know if I don't get organized and find help juggling all of these aspects of my life
eventually it will break me.
I can't do it all- all of the time.
I have examined why it is that I want to be the one to do it all
Why can't I just ask for help?
My husband likes to tease me that I am a control freak,
but in my heart of hearts, the truth is
I just really and truly DEEPLY care.
I care about my business, I care about my kids
and I want to be the one who handles both.
I want it all, to be a very involved mother (working from home)
and to give my kids amazing opportunities.
And to be a very involved business owner,
to have a successful marriage,
to have happy, mindful, and intelligent children and teach them values.
And not to mention to have great friendships and have fun
Today, I am feeling overwhelmed.
Buried by responsibility.
But I know I am human.
I'll keep you updated...
I wrote that on Saturday.
Now it's Tuesday, and I am happy to report in a much better place.
#1) Expressing my feelings to myself and also to my hubby.
Once getting it off my chest, I immediately felt like I could breathe again.
*I journaled.
*I planned alone time with my husband by hiring a babysitter.
*We had great time as a family by doing something different and fun (despite the rainy weekend).
I think its key to be able to identify and honor your feelings,
rather than blaming an outside source-
ask yourself what you are doing and what you could be doing different.
I knew I needed to journal and take time to nurture my own needs and feelings.
I also knew I needed a date with my hubby to nurture us
and although we as a family spend a lot of time together daily,
we needed a little outside family adventure.
PS. I signed my kids up for some AWESOME mini {week long} day camps this summer
{sailing, science, art, tennis, basketball- my 8 year old is so excited, he was jumping up and down!}
I'll get an hour alone of organization- its not much, but its a start!
Here's to a great week!
Question: What do you do to get back on track? How do you stay balanced and happy?
Please share! :)
PPS. My GIVEAWAY for a FREE session is still going on!
Click Here:
Thanks for reading! :)
xoxo Shell