Just wanted to brighten your weekend with a glimpse into 4 of my latest sessions
with some really great moms and their sweet kiddos…
Now, for a little Mother’s Day Challenge!
If you are like me, you are always taking the photos, and are always behind the camera.
I know that about myself, but I didn’t know exactly what a lack of photos there were of me with my own children.
I was just sharing on my private page on FB, how my youngest son’s homework
was to simply bring in a photo of him and his mommy yesterday…
Let me tell you, I searched high and low and couldn’t really find one of us together
(ME!!! You know the one who posts photos of moms and there kids!!)
I found one from when he was 2 (he is 4 now) and I found a camping one from over a year ago,
and I found another one from last October- all of them pretty random, with weird faces, etc.
That was a pretty big wake up call for me.
I found TON of the kids alone, and a bunch with the kids together with my husband Bry,
but otherwise, I don’t really exist in photos of our family or with my own kids,
and here- my kids mean the world to me. They are precious, and I am not in any pics with them!
I really felt like crying! This is so sad!
So guess what?
I am challenging myself to be in more pictures.
Yes, in front of- not behind the camera!
And from the response I am getting back on FB, it looks like I am not alone here.
So, as a Mother’s Day gift to ourselves,
lets challenge ourselves to be in some photos with our kids this weekend.
It doesn’t have to be fancy- use your smartphone if you have one.
Just be in A PHOTO with your child.
You will treasure it forever- especially when you are older and they are older!
Now, I will be back here by Monday with photo to post of me with my kids, and it won’t be fancy, I promise!
(Then, at some point, I hope to plan to find a professional to take our family pics so we can all be together in front of the camera,
hopefully this year.)
What do you think? Are you up for this easy Mother’s Day Challenge?
Let me know if you do it!
I’d love to hear who got some pics with their kids.
Wishing all you mom’s out there a happy Mother’s Day!
xoxo Shell